本帖最后由 拂晓 于 2020-4-11 01:01 编辑
不知道各位出于什么应用场景需要用到Windows to Go系统,以下简称WTG?
(1) . 如果不是KMS激活的系统,换电脑WTG处于未激活状态,此时,换回原本正常激活的电脑也无法重新激活,原因古怪。
(2) . 带有WTG系统的U盘插入其它电脑当U盘使用,忘记拔下了,电脑开机自动进入WTG,一堆新驱动等着下载。
(3) . 接上条,可能有些朋友觉得自动下载安装驱动是Windows10特色功能呀,方便呢。但是!但是!驱动bug也随之而来,我的系统是Windows10企业版 1909版,自动更新网卡驱动后,WiFi 5Ghz网速175K/s,HP打印机设置首选项无法进入,直接报错。现在看到Windows在后台更新驱动都怕了。真不晓得还会有什么bug等着坑我。
(4) . 在制作WTG时,没有勾选屏蔽本地磁盘,那么插入原本Windows系统的电脑后,打开访问里面的文件之后,奇迹出现了,原本电脑本地磁盘上的文件权限全乱了,请注意,是乱!乱!有些可读,有些无法打开,有些无法复制......直到后来我在论坛里看了很多帖子才知道,要屏蔽本地磁盘,可是论坛里当初的教程里没有让勾选,也没相应提示啊。
Q:I’m booted into Windows To Go, but I can’t browse to the internal hard drive of the host computer. Why not?
A:Windows To Go Creator and the recommended deployment steps for Windows To Go set SAN Policy 4 on Windows To Go drive. This policy prevents Windows from automatically mounting internal disk drives. That’s why you can’t see the internal hard drives of the host computer when you are booted into Windows To Go. This is done to prevent accidental data leakage between Windows To Go and the host system. This policy also prevents potential corruption on the host drives or data loss if the host operating system is in a hibernation state. If you really need to access the files on the internal hard drive, you can use diskmgmt.msc to mount the internal drive.
It is strongly recommended that you do not mount internal hard drives when booted into the Windows To Go workspace. If the internal drive contains a hibernated Windows 8 operating system, mounting the drive will lead to loss of hibernation state and therefor user state or any unsaved user data when the host operating system is booted. If the internal drive contains a hibernated Windows 7 or earlier operating system, mounting the drive will lead to corruption when the host operating system is booted.
(5) . 接上条,假设WTG既当普通U盘,又当系统启动在多台电脑上,访问里面的文件夹。那么最后,请做好丢失所有数据的准备!因为到最后,你连复制的权限都没有!!!
最后还有一点,WTG插入不同类型的Mac电脑的话,各种问题和Bug等着你探索,因为Mac电脑不同年代、不同类型,Windows to Go系统里相对应的驱动没的,都要去匹配进去,即每换一台电脑,一大堆的驱动安装、更新、调试,这都等于每换一台电脑,重装一遍系统了。WTG的优势何在?!